Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Agosto 14, 2013


A protest action photo from the archives of TFDP's Museum of Courage and Resistance,
digital art provided by Noel Pagulayan
It has been 40 years since the declaration of Martial Law and 27 years since the people toppled the dictatorship at EDSA but the question is what do we really have to show for it?

It is now 39 years since Task Force Detainees of the Philippines was created by the Association of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines. From then till now, it continues to document human rights violations of the government against its people.

Though admittedly, the numbers are less, there is still a reason for concern.  Impunity is still predominant in Philippine Society. The Marcoses that fled to Hawaii in 1986 are now back in power. Numerous campaigns have been created online to put them in a better light albeit, rewriting history.

TFDP welcomes the human rights legislations that have been passed during the first three years of incumbent President Benigno Simeon Aquino III but he has to remember that these laws are nothing unless the government would seriously ensure that they be implemented.

One feather on the cap of this administration is the passing of the Reparation law for Human Rights Victim during the Martial law years. TFDP and other human rights organizations, welcomes this development. However, we are still at watch at the careful application of this law especially in the choosing of the members of the Board and the provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations.

The passing of the Anti-Torture law in 2009 for example is yet to prevent perpetrators in committing torture since it is yet to convict a perpetrator and bring justice to the victims. Some cases, even with physical evidence still has to get through the prosecutor’s office.

Even in the case of AbdulKhan Ajid were the victim was burnt inside the confines of the Camp of the 39th Scout Rangers yet the commander in the camp will get to go scot-free courtesy of the exclusion by the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) report.

Sadly as well, as of this writing, the Oversight Committee that is supposed to oversee the implementation of the Act, is still to be convened by CHR. 

Hopefully the application of the newly passed Anti-Enforced Disappearance will prove to be more favourable to the victims and their families.

TFDP awaits real efforts from this government to address impunity. Though we are still doubtful whether the Inter Agency Committee otherwise known as the Superbody will result to convictions of perpetrators of Extra Judicial Killings and other Human Rights Violations, we are still hoping that the IAC could prove us wrong. We are also hoping that these efforts will not backfire against human rights defenders and militants with the inclusion of non-state agents as alleged perpetrator of human rights violations.

Lastly, TFDP remains concerned that until now, PNoy is yet to address the issue of political detention. Three years into his term, the 328 political detainees and prisoners are still hoping that PNoy will one day do what his mother had done, and give amnesty to all.  However, that will only be possible if the current Aquino administration also recognizes the fact that there is political detention.

All in all, we are hoping that the next three years of the Aquino administration will be better, not only law wise but reality wise. We are also hoping that the economy growth being boasted about by this administration, allegedly for its efforts to control corruption through daang matuwid would trickle to the large number of Filipinos who remains way below the poverty line before he steps down. 

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